I'm so obscenely pissed off right now.
Ive spent a YEAR asking and poking and pleading and being nice, asking for my stuff back from my mom. $800 worth of books, who knows how much in movies, paintings endtables figures... basically my whole life. I didn't even ask for my game stations because they aren't important to me.
I recently recieved some furniture from someone that was moving, in return for helping them to mve in the first place. i posted on FB and then comes THIS conversation.
(why did that come out so blurry?)(Yes my screen is tiny)
You may not get why im angry and why i snapped at her, but she puts a message on my fb almost every week, just 'i miss u' or 'come home baby' or will post it on a completely irrelevant topic and ruin whatever fun I was having. Ive told her numerous times that i wont move home, hell im doing my damnest to move out on my OWN by next january i DONT want to move to fucking Eubank Kentucky because my moms a psycho and wants to live 30 minutes from a gas station!!
Ive sked my mom for a YEAR to give me those books back. There was a small fire in her house a few months ago, and i asked her if my books were okay. She said the fire people moved the bokos into the NASTY ASS basement that she wont clean and she told them not to, but she was too lazy to bring them into the safe upstairs and would do it some other time. I asked her a few weeks later and got yelled at for niot ubderstanding how hard her life was, that she didnt have time to walk downstairs and see if my books were smoke damaged.
Finally, FINALLY, i get some word that the books are ruined?? MONTHS later!??? WHAT THE FUCK?? She didnt buy those books, I DID! $800 bucks worth of books! Are the rest of my things water damaged too?? How the hell long till she told me?? How is THIS supposed to make me want to come home??
This, kids, is why you shouldnt press 'send' while you are still foaming at the mouth. It sounded very reasonabe when I was writing it.
Its all true, but all that hostility Ive been keeping in check for the last year boiled over.
I need to do something fun now. Really wish i didnt have work so i could go wakeboarding with the family. As it is im going to go look at a promising apartment instead. Oh well.